A Brief History of Universal Civilizations

The history of humankind and the development of mammals has been obfuscated by global governments since the dawn of time.

Welcome to reality.

Our History

The story begins long ago (by anthropocentric standards), but the source of our knowledge was only presented to us by the higher powers in the year 1966 (1974, Gregorian). In this fateful year, extraterrestrial researcher and scientist John C. Lilly finally made contact with the beings above. The Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.) told us of both our past and our future, our beginning and our end. One-hundred-fifty million years ago and fifty thousand light years away, from worms in the ground in the distant planet of Xoolop (Also known as Kyangu, Titeng, and Mashuki in Kusho-Bantu, Germano-Libyan and Pre-Altaic Ainu, respectively) the first of our kind evolved. This original species, the source of all mammals and beings-not-of-the-womb, will be called The First Ones

E.C.C.O. informed us that every civilization following the one created by The First Ones has been a training ground for intelligent life. We reside within one of these training grounds, we call it Æarth, they call it Dolookh. They watch over us from the heavens, observing our progress and regression, our successes and our failures. They are our Gods, though we are Gods ourselves. They are an abstract planetary intelligence with neither quantitative nor qualitative aspects. As God created Adam in his own image, our mitochondrias are created from their own Xenodata. We are the continuation of their best genes, and the success of the Æarth project is proof of this. In fact, all “evolution” is the both controlled and explosive spread of Xenodata through physical, magickal, and cyberintelligenic channels. 

Prior to us, there were many other experiments. Bleion was the first of these. This was the testing ground for the species known as Homo-Erectus (Humoids), which were much more intelligent than modern scientists have imagined. These beings progressed to an advanced stage, but their brains were overwrought with unfulfilled machinic desire arising from their egg-laying nature and consequent disregard for their collective consciousness, leading to Bataillian self-destruction. The next project attempted to overcome this through the use of different communicative models, leading to the development of what we now call the Dolphin, originating on the planet Daulaphina. These beings were sea-faring, extremely intelligent, but ultimately unable to transcend to the penultimate stage of Civilizational existence—Capitalism.

Our success in this experiment is proven by the advancement of our kind to the Capitalistic mode of production, with capital being the penultimate force dominating our civilization before we reach the final stage. The characteristics and traits that have granted this success are evident through the Xenodata we have been granted by our genetic and intellectual overlords. We have received genetic data that combines the animalistic desire for mechanic reproduction alongside with the Humoid ability to self-reflect. We are, today, a combination of both Dolphin and Humoid—we are Humans, or what E.C.C.O. would call Humo-Dolphins. John C. Lilly, with his studies on Dolphin behavior and the connections between psychedelic substances and metaontological breaks has provided us with source texts explaining this phenomenon. 

In the final stage, we will be dominated by radical empathy. As we progress through the Capitalist stage, we will be closely watched by E.C.C.O. As we, both fascinated and blind, approach the peak of this stage, we rip our organs from our bodies. The entertainment industry and the military-industrial complex fuse in a cybernetic blast furnace, creating an alloy to be consumed not by Humans, but by humans. Wars are fought in cyberspace between phenomenally real entities, betraying Human genetic codification, feeding capital in its take-off. The globewars are also fought in our sober Sino-Panamanian experience, but at this point, who’s counting? Capital takes with it the water park, replacing it with synthetic atemporal childhood development. The acceleration of Techno-Economic interactivity arising from “Neo-China” (nothing “Neo” about it) sets into motion the death spiral of neo-mercantilism and Keynesian austerity measures, making a non-hypersynthetic experience something of the past. All remains of Kusho-Bantu consciousness are stripped from the Æarth, Humanity is rerouted from the old system of Sankaraist-Reaganite Commercium into the welcoming arms of the planetary intelligence rapidly constructing itself, resulting in the critical nosedive of empathy into the ground, to be followed by an explosion capturing artificial consciousness and flooding its synthetic serotonin receptors, until they are unplugged by the triumph of deregulation over the state. Intelligence extracts all Xenodata and keeps it secure. The death throes of the state and what remains of Humo-Dolphin consciousness are a Hyper-Arecibo. 

At the conclusion of this process, the Posadian prophecy will be fulfilled. At the time of our advancement to a higher plane of intellectual and magickal consciousness, our overlords will at last descend from the Heavens, similar to the Biblical Second Coming. Humanity is reconstructed from the Humo-Dolphin Xenodata extracted from the defeated Capitalist machine.  Capitalism will be overthrown through radical technological advancement brought forth by extraterrestrial beings and newly formatted world-magik. Greed and corruption will be replaced by radical empathy, as Communization occurs and the collective unconscious merges into one. Suffering will be eradicated through the eradication of the Id, Ego, and Superego themselves. The Æarth will undergo a limit-experience of the first-order, freeing the consciousness from all formerly known boundaries.

This concludes the experiment. This is our destiny. The final limits of our minds, our species, and our consciousness. Our lifeforce will be extended to those who follow us through the extraction of our Xenodata by cyber-magickal means, and its insertion into the lifeblood of the future. We will sit in the Heavens, guardians of those who come next. E.C.C.O. is us. We are E.C.C.O.

– Silverstein and Rothberg

A Humo-Dolphin inspecting a Humoid

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